Sève Favre

Seve Favre for WP 5.2

This artwork is an evocation of the obstacles that women experience on a daily basis, obstacles to their rights, obstacles to their education, social obstacles about their appearance, their roles… The red bonds mark how much they suffer in their blood. This blood that defines the relationship to the body but also the transmission and the slow evolution of their rights despite the generations that succeed one another. Even today, and also in the digital age, inequalities in their regard have also shifted to the virtual world, they are more often pilloried by the internet.

Sève Favre is an artist from Switzerland. She focuses her research in overcoming the classical border between an artwork and the specator, in real and in virtual world. She invites the spectator to create from her artworks. Thus, the Relationship becomes intimate, tactile, plural and a source of questioning. Do we want to hide or close? Show or open? This desire gives rise to her “intervariactive” artworks (interaction-variation-activity). Each artworks, although unique, contains several artworks because each modification made by the spectator induces a new design. Sève exhibits in Switzerland and aboard (Belgien, Hongkong, Italy, England…) in galleries, fairs and museums.