Jeevan Bhagwat

The Stone Throwers

How far back                                      
do we have to go
to the start of the
stone throwers’ story?

Millennia later
we detonate bombs
and bullet the sky
when tribe versus tribe
turns gory.

But when brothers die
and peace doves cry
in an us against them
game for glory,

we emerge from our caves
with blood on our hands
and make of the world
a quarry.


Jeevan Bhagwat bio:
I live and work in Toronto, Canada. My poems have appeared in many literary magazines around the world including, The Windsor Review, Archaeology, The Beautiful Space, and The Prairie Journal. In 2003 and 2005, I was awarded the Monica Ladell Prize for poetry by Scarborough Arts, and in 2015 I was the recipient of the Scarborough Urban Hero Award for Arts and Culture. My poetry books include The Weight of Dreams (IN Publications, 2012) and Luminescence (IN Publications, 2020).