Shirley Jones-Luke

About the Black Body


The black body      interpreted as a malady

an affliction upon the skin      by people afflicted

with no melanin    an aberration      to be studied

in a lab   but the black body has already been studied

examined   experimented on    poked     prodded      ripped

stripped      sampled    burned    branded     cut     scraped

infected   &   inflicted    yet    the black body   endured      beyond the physical

for it could not      let the physical    end its existence       on this earth

black bodies faced scientists     dressed in white     white gloves    white masks

black eyes      peered into      defiant black faces.      that do not look away

as white hands approach     holding a scalpel




It Began with Water

It began with water. It began with bodies in the water. It began with African bodies in the water. It began with dead African bodies in the water.

It began with a ship. It began with a ship carrying human cargo. It began with a ship carrying Africans. It began with a ship carrying a cargo of Africans who became sick.

It began with a decision. It began with a decision by the captain. It began with a decision by a Dutch captain. It began with a decision by a Dutch captain to throw dead & dying Africans into the water.

It began with moans & screams. It began with the moans & screams of Africans. It began with the moans & screams of African women & children. It began with the moans & screams of African women & children as they witnessed their family & friends brought up on deck.

It began with a splash. It began with several splashes. It began with several splashes scattering the fish in the water. It began with several splashes scattering the fish as bodies disrupted the silent sea.

It began with water. It ended with death.  Death became freedom.